How to start learning Java

06 Jun 2016

It can be quite difficult learning to code, I think that the first hurdle is the hardest. Once you have a basic understanding of a language, you can develop your knowledge by reading programs, using libraries and open source code from sites like GitHub.


But how do you get over the first hurdle? Here are some of my favourite resources for learning Java as a beginner:


Codecademy - Java

This site provides you with an online IDE, and explains how something works, then simply asks you to try it out yourself, ticking off the exercises as you complete them.


Udacity - Intro to Java Programming

Udacity is a different kind of training website, it teaches via video with a quiz at the end of each module, to make sure you are understanding.


CodingBat - Java

Once you have completed the above, you should then be able to move into this site. It provides you with small programming challenges, aiming to test your skills. If you need assistance, some of the problems come with tips and solutions. The best part is, it gives you a text box where you can enter and run your code directly in your browser!


YouTube - Java Tutorial (Derek Banas)

Derek Banas has a great series of videos on Java, at the time of writing he has close to 100 videos and over 15 hours worth of content ranging from a beginner level to advanced.


Once you have studied through the above material, you should definitely be able to leap right over that first jump, and will be well on your way to becoming a Java expert!


What tutorials and guides have you used to learn Java?

Lewis Lebentz